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Under the Mopane Tree

by Grace D. Webster

This book is not about human rights, animal rights or conflicts in a country where wars have been waged over mining rights and farmlands for many generations. It is a story about a young American couple that shared a dream of giving their lives for something greater than themselves. They ventured out on faith to an unknown land to give hope and love to a people who lived in fear and superstition. They did it passionately, joyfully, and without regret. It is also my story of growing up in the Eastern Highlands of Southern Rhodesia with five sisters, a brother, an extended family of missionaries and the beautiful people who lived there.

Purchase:  Amazon Paperback & Kindle Version

"What nation is so great as to have their God come near them, the way the Lord our God is near us when we pray?"  Deuteronomy  4:7 NIV

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